* Profile [#a6a663d5]

- 師 茂樹 (Shigeki Moro) - マイポータル - researchmap https://researchmap.jp/moroshigeki/
- Shigeki Moro (0000-0002-1764-7770) - ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1764-7770
- 師 茂樹|花園大学 https://www.hanazono.ac.jp/education/teacher/moro_shigeki.html

** Education [#ya4a57bd]
- Ph.D. Cultural Interaction Studies, Kansai University, 2013.
-- Dissertation: “Formation and Expansion of Buddhist Logic in East Asia: Focusing on the Cultural Interaction of the Proof of Idealism.”
- M.A. Buddhist studies, Toyo University, 2001.
-- Thesis: “The three period teaching classification in Saicho’s Shugo-kokkai-shō.”
- B.A. Asian Philosophy, Waseda University, 1995.

** Experience [#neb9351d]
- Hanazono University, Professor, April 2015–present.
- Hanazono University, Associate Professor, April 2008–March 2015.
- Hanazono University, Lecturer, April 2002–March 2008.

** Research Interest [#g15e45f6]
I specialize in Yogacara Buddhism and Buddhist logic in Japan and East Asia. I also study Digital Humanities in the field of East Asian studies. 

* Works [#h8253c6e]
- Shigeki Moro | Hanazono University - Academia.edu https://hanazono.academia.edu/ShigekiMoro
- ‪Shigeki Moro‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬ https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=uf6yltAAAAAJ
- Shigeki Moro – Humanities Commons https://hcommons.org/members/moroshigeki/
- moroshigeki (Shigeki Moro) · GitHub https://github.com/moroshigeki

* Social Media [#f884982c]
- Shigeki Moro (mastodon) - mstdn.jp https://mstdn.jp/@moroshigeki
- gnusocial.jp https://gnusocial.jp/moroshigeki

- moroshigeki's blog https://moroshigeki.hateblo.jp/
- 師 茂樹 (Moro Shigeki)|note https://note.com/moroshigeki/

- 師茂樹 MORO Shigeki (@moroshigeki) / X https://twitter.com/moroshigeki
- Facebook https://www.facebook.com/moroshigeki
- 師 茂樹(@moroshigeki) • Instagram写真と動画 https://www.instagram.com/moroshigeki/
- Threadsの師 茂樹 (@moroshigeki) https://www.threads.net/@moroshigeki

** Youtube channels [#a483f1b1]
- Shigeki Moro - Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOF_ZJl411VSnzxO7TvjZEA
- Shigeki Moro (Hanazono University) - Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCd6e7h8f4N6TxdK_u40JSpQ

** blog etc. [#b750d0b0]
- moroshigeki's blog https://moroshigeki.hateblo.jp/
- 師 茂樹 (Moro Shigeki)|note https://note.com/moroshigeki/

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